Auf der vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Meeresmuseum/OZEANEUM in Stralsund ausgerichteten internationalen Tagung „Progress in Marine Conservation 2023: How to stop biodiversity loss – from knowledge to action“ haben sich rund 200...
Anlässlich des Treffens der International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Jamaika haben 45 Naturschutzorganisationen die Nationalregierungen aller Länder zum Umdenken in Bezug auf den Tiefseebergbau aufgerufen. Im Rahmen der Bemühungen für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft ergibt es keinen Sinn, neue Projekte anzugehen, die die Umwelt zerstören, denn die wirtschaftliche Erschließung der Tiefsee zerstört einen Großteil der Biodiversität.
Environmental groups call for a U-turn on deep sea mining
Pressemitteilung, 03.07.2018, Seas at Risk
As the International Seabed Authority (ISA) gathers in Jamaica, environmental organisations are calling on governments to wake up to the irreversible harm that deep sea mining will inflict, not only to marine ecosystems but also to global efforts to transition to a sustainable economy. In a joint statement to the ISA, 45 organisations, including Greenpeace and Seas At Risk, warn of significant loss of biodiversity if the world’s seabeds are opened up to mining.
“Humanity depends on healthy oceans. Sending huge machines to the bottom of the sea to rip up the ocean floor will have devastating effects. Deep sea mining could wipe out species and ecosystems before we even know them.” said David Santillo, a scientist at Greenpeace International. The letter states that deep sea mining is contradictory to the UN sustainable development commitments, particularly goals on healthy oceans and sustainable consumption and production. The groups also question industry claims that deep sea mining is needed:
“We risk squandering one of our most precious ecosystems, which has a vital role to play in the health of our planet, for an obsolete dream of boundless growth,” states the letter. “It is time we learn to use minerals in a responsible and efficient way, instead of digging up the deep sea to fuel a throwaway economy which turns metals into waste on a large scale,” said Ann Dom, deputy director of Seas at Risk. The civil society organisations argue the ISA should focus its mission on protecting the deep sea, defined by the United Nations as ‘common heritage of mankind’.
The NGOs are calling on the ISA to end the granting of contracts for deep-sea mining exploration and to not issue contracts for exploitation. The groups are also concerned about the lack of transparency and shortage of environmental expertise in the ISA and demand a full and public process to assess the potential impact of deep sea mining.
Diese Pressemitteilung vom 03.07.2018 findet ihr bei Seas at Risk.
Auch Greenpeace war an dem Aufruf an die ISA beteiligt und greift die Forderungen in seinem Artikel Deep sea mining decisions: Approaching the point of no return von Sebastian Losada und Pierre Terras vom 23.03.2018 detaillreich auf. Außerdem antwortet er auf die Argumente von Befürwortern des Tiefseebergbaus.
In unserem Blogbeitrag IUCN Bericht: Die Zukunft des Tiefseebergbaus stellen wir ebenfalls die Folgen des Tiefseebergbaus und die notwendigen Kontollmechanismen vor.